Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Crafter's Nightmare (but a Happy Runner)

After being up late into the night untangling this mess, I was still anxious to get a start on the project those bobbins had been set up for prior to being tossed into a bag for a week for 2 while I went ahead and made something else. Now that that's finished I wanted to go back and finish what I'd started. I didn't know that would be so complicated!

This definition of patient: " Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness"  describes how I handled this yesterday evening. I was very proud when it was finally all untangled!

I have good news too. 

Yesterday I got an e-mail saying that I'd won an entry to the Nürnberger-Frauenlauf (Women's Run in Nuremberg) in July! That got me pretty excited. I didn't have any running goals planned after the race this weekend and this looks like a fun one. There is a lot of pink on the website and maybe that's expected with a women's only run, but this is my first! With a slogan like "Du bist perfekt, so wie Du bist" (You are perfect, just how you are) and flexible running distances so that you can decide the day of the run if you will run 3.5, 7 or 10km, they manage to appeal to women of a wide variety of ability levels. Although I think that's awesome, I'll be running 10km again at this one!

Not only is this the first run in Germany I'll participate in where a t-shirt is included in registration (a bright pink one I'm sure), but it's also the first one I've seen which is organized as a charity fundraiser. In this case it supports the Fürther Stiftung für Menschen mit Down-Syndrom (The Fürth Down-Syndrome Foundation), which runs a support centre in a city next to Nuremberg. The registration fee isn't even that much (21.21€) so if it's not too far for you (and you're a girl), you should come too!

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